Fitness Dreamer Resistance Bands are ideal for:
-Improving muscle tone;
-Increasing flexibility & strength;
-Strengthening stabilizing muscles;
-Preventing injury or assist in injury rehabilitation;
-Rehabilitation after injuries or treatments
Why Choose Ftness Dreamer Resistance Bands:
-Our resistance loop bands are made of 100% natural latex – free
of non-natural Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE).They are rigorously
tested to be snap, stretch and sweat resistant. You can feel the
same resistance after a dozen reps.
-There are five resistance bands together, so you can have multiple
choices and combinations to find the perfect resistance for you.
– Our resistance bands are fit for both men, women, fitness beginners
or trainers. They are lightweight and portable. You can use them at
anytime and anywhere you want.
-100% Lifetime satisfaction Guarantee.
They dont roll as much with slippery fabric like others have.
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